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hey hello!:D

i ♥ you

Best view in IE Photobucket

end of sem, new start awaits
Tuesday, August 30, 2011


yup it's been ages since i last updated my blog :D
it's holiday!

initially don't feel like updating, but then since i've got the time, might as well tell u guys more about my life now haha..

RP life officially ended last week, 26 Aug with the last paper of the sem CGMP, well it turn out to be quite good for it, i was expecting even harder, but ya pray hard for the rest.

It's indeed a tough sem this year, with all the schedule of FYP, IIP & UTs being squeezed together, there's hardly any breather for the year 3, thankfully everything is over! yay! ^^

In RP, the most unforgettables are my lovely friends, seriously they always make my day better, without them, it's hardly to get through the days, cheers! <3

In a blink of an eye, 2 and a half years gonna be gone just like that, im not gonna moan over it but instead sees it as a new start, though a part of me will definitely miss those Awesome people (u guys know who u are! :P) & those Great faci && food! haha!

Next sem, which is around Sep or so, u will not see me in RP unless for special occasions or requests yea, if not find me at my new hideout, which is my attachment place - Bukit Batok polyclinic :D

Well, talking about attachment, im quite nervous, happy, dont-know-what-to-say about it, it's even further than woodlands and that a new environment will imply adaption needed! haha hopefully everything goes well seriously!

The other best part of getting into the attachment is that no more UTs! no more presentations! no more worrying about maintaining gpa! no more FYPs! haha! well, kinda sad for no more FYP though cos this sem doesn't include lab work, sorry to my team! :]

I love the shopping spree the most, though we didn't really buy alot of stuffs but i enjoy the hunting and the price matching etc, shopping with best friends indeed a joy to me, perhaps im easily contended too! i love u guys, u rox! <3

Life is make up of different choices and pathways, doesn't mean u got this, u have to go with fate, live it with colors and make it the best out of it (:

Asking me about r/s? well, things aren't within my control, feelings can sparkle and fade like a firework. If there's only 1 party working towards it, nothing will come out of it. im really just more than what u see, it's not okay to rush into a r/s when u still don't know the person well, so u see that time plays a big boss here.

I look for small details be it good or bad, sometimes it do tells how a person's character is, change is not only for someone, is also for yourself & for the better, but don't ever expect someone to change for u or change yourself for someone because u are who u are, uniquely, u only change when u feel worth it (:

Nevertheless, love me as u prove it, prove it as u mean it, mean it from your heart to me :D

Till now, i still have the old saying, if u find me quiet is not because im really that quiet, is that either i have nothing to say to u (because no common topics etc)/ i don't see a need to talk to u or u don't know me well and lastly will be that your replies end the conversation so i don't see a point continuing when u give me such replies!

Ciaoz! good luck to people around me & that i will miss the lovely clique! I have no regrets making friends with u guys! <333

live like no regrets, love like no end, all the best!

haha, takecares,
Pei Ling ^-^

writtern @8/30/2011

go with da flow~
Saturday, May 14, 2011

Hey people! :D

it's been some time since my last post, & yup there were several things happened in my little little life :D

it's coming to the final year of my Poly life, recently there was the Graduation Day for my seniors, i wish i could graduate as soon as possible! i wanna get into working life :D

and that implies that im gonna be busier with those final year projects and maybe iip attachment i guess haha! seriously talking abt fyp, i wanna go lab soon and not only researching, its very draggy uh :x

GE 2011 was really a BIG thing this time! haha maybe cos of my age (argh still cannot vote :x), we youngsters tend to pay attention to the important politics already.
i love Y.A.M. he made the entire night lighten up :D

In some down times in life, it's always a bless in disguise to have bffs like Naqiah, Christine, Santhiya and many others to accompany me throughout, i really love being with u guys, u all rox my life and u are the ones who don't mind my random laughter and sharing of stuff etc <3

not forgetting my family who will always eh be there for me ^^v

After so many things that happened, especially regarding r/s, i think i have become more mature and learnt not to be clinging onto it, i should be moving on and don't make someone my priority when they only make u as an option.

i don't read minds, im not perfect, u got to say what u thinking, i have got my own personality too, but i shall see how it goes to decide what to do next cos right now, i guess we are all unsure of what we really want & i wanna be true to my heart (:

Go with da flow, jia yous to all :D

with misses & loves,
CherLyn x3

writtern @5/14/2011

happenings ya ((:
Saturday, April 02, 2011

Hey people! :D

yesh it's been a long time i've update.
i wanna update now because i know there are lesser peeks here so hehe here i am!

Working as an intern, i've gained alot of new experiences & widen my social networks, and i think im gonna miss those sweet people there! it's quite amazing to do something like admin work, i thought i will not have the chance of doing admin stuff hahas :D

From the attachment, i think i have to grow up, to be even more mature and optimistic to life!
Although it was kinda tiring to travel..hehe..
At the very least, this holiday isn't a waste!

Hope that there will be more people doing such meaningful work :D
Cheers to the caring lots, i will miss you people! :D

These are just part and parcels of life so yea loosen up ^^
sometimes, being not-so-serious is a better choice.

Well, for the past few months, alot of things happened, it triggered and pushed me to be even stronger to face everything, especially b/g relationships.

i've always been a person who loves and hates easily, & thats not a good thing.

If you admire me, you should feel me.
If you like me, you should tell me.
If you love me, you should show me.

I wouldn't want to be the only person who puts effort in trying.
If you wouldn't wanna try harder, whats the point of me doing all these?
Sometimes, i do feel like an idiot.
I wouldn't want to take the initiative each time, it makes me feel that you don't care, so why must i? :x

From all these happenings, i think i should go with the flow, it is up to you & i've done my best for everything & i think you could do better than this.

Know me better, if you find me quiet/shy/emo type of person, then you're Wrong.
because only those we don't know me well , will feel this way ya.

Hope FYP will run smoothly ar! seriously sometimes i do feel fed up for it, haha :D

Before i forget, my tumblr! http://miss-giggle.tumblr.com/

Cheers to all! && Jia Yous to myself!

With loves,
CherLyn ^-^

writtern @4/02/2011

moved or stayed, hees xD
Sunday, February 20, 2011

Hey people!

Exams are gonna end soon, real soon, && yes! im not gonna have freedom, cos up next is IEP (some industry attachment) and FYP (some project), jia yous to me :D

Though you guys never tagged much, but yea just to say that I have got tumblr now too, so most likely I will be much active there, do follow me! :D

my tumblr: http://miss-giggle.tumblr.com/

cheers! may life gets better for all xD

Ling =>_<=

writtern @2/20/2011

HAPPY 2011 :D
Friday, January 14, 2011

Yo all xD

hahas its 2011 le! wee~
hope everything will go fine & best wishes to all (:

Really thanks to those who celebrated my birthday with me, im seriously happy & contented hees xD

Thanks Mum, Dad, Aug, Zoey, Naqiah & more for those lovely presents! :DD
i love it & just one word to describe = happy! <3

im also very very happy with 120+ notification for wishing me birthday, thx all (:

ah cant believe im 19 ald! tsk..haha
im gonna be more serious & less sotong (i hope so) hees xD

~happy happy girl~

Lingz =>_<=

writtern @1/14/2011

cold-hot December
Friday, December 10, 2010

Hey hello xD

First of all, Happy Birthday to all December babies!

This will be a short post cos' im in school now hahas

anyways, today i saw Koreans in our school, heard how they speaks, makes me even envy them, haha maybe* shall one day learn Korean language.

Everhealth or TCT? dont know which one to choose but i reckon both will be interesting xD
well, life its getting busy again! ahaha

last of all, i shall rant on the weather, DECEMBER IS SO COLD brrr...

awaiting 2011 :D

Ling =>_<=

writtern @12/10/2010

just another one?
Friday, December 03, 2010

Hey all (:

i just wanna post on something particular which happens recently so ya this is how it goes..

Maybe sometimes its the Courage that matters, though never fall in love with u but the hurt is there. If you dont like that person, pls just go tell & dont wait till the hurt is caused. We just need to be "hard-hearted" for certain situation.

im COMPLICATED, i know, but i cant help it :x
im lost, in a way, somewhere but i cant describe the feeling .__."

what i want is always very simple but yet complicated me makes it hard to get.

"Its like an endless ride, sometimes it takes you up, sometimes it tears u down inside~"

well, just hope that we will all have the enough courage to face everything (:

omg..up to here, the post is quite emo, ok haha i shall stop..

After UTs, my Freedom is back!
At least i do not need to chiong so much and having so little sleep everyday, hees.
hmm chiong abit on maple Dual blader these few days, quite boring cos mc-ing all the way.

we will all get there ^^

Lingz =>_<=

writtern @12/03/2010

Latest Updates before 2010 ends!
Sunday, November 21, 2010

Hey yo people :D

hees, i know its been long since i updated.

School is fine, changed a few classes & I think I have already get used to it.

Although school is tiring, at the end of the day everything is worth it & laughing makes the time goes faster!

Finally get to year 2, and yea more into my course stuff now, stressed & i hope year 3 come faster ahaha!

Life is awesome too. Thanks ppl for encouragments & the Fun :D
hope the world gets better with more humanity.

"Perhaps, there is no such thing as maybe, Love, must say it out loud" - A nice phrase quoted from Kai Ling's msn pm. haha i felt it was very meaningful but yet not all can do it, so yea keep trying ya! :D

well, have been trying to keep a lookout though heart is still keeping inside, maybe all of us need time, the key to open the locked heart, but not all keys can open it, i need more strength. Jia yous to me.

Incidents happened to friends make me ponder over girl-boy relationship, is there really No true love? idk, maybe we are just waiting for the right one.

Friends are just part and parcels of your life, some stay & some go, there's no point in remembering them, what's left are those happy moments. So why not recall those happy moments instead? :D

hmm finished up my pp report and now left with the poster (not sure what to do, haiz), IEP, FYP, blah lols like so many things to do only! tsk :x

Currently, working at Burger King, seriously i have gained alot of experiences at there and learnt more about job-sch life. Trust me, it is damn tiring but for the $ haha, its okay.

Farewell to Tarsah, you've been a great manager to me, though sometimes i will commit mistakes and yet you dont mind & helped me alot. I will miss you, especially your laughter! :D

Sorry to all those managers that i cant make it to work because i have a weak immune system & tight school schedule, but yea cheers for those happy moments :D

Back to maple, hees talking about it always make me happy, yea new job: Dual blade, have been training it recently but due to exams, kinda slow in leveling. Dual blader skills are quite pro, similar to NL, and from its name, you can tell that it uses 2 weapon at a time so attack speed is fast :D

Alright! i think that is for all, take care ppl :D
ahem this blog is still open, but not as active, so do tag ya!

Cheers to the world, me, love, family & friends!

Lingz =>_<=

writtern @11/21/2010

haha-me :>
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

helloooo, anyone there? haha

waulau for once i read my previous posts i felt it hilarious (Y)
never thought i would write in that way, that's why (:

anyways back to the every-day-life topic, lol UT1 just ended not long ago with a short short of 2 weeks break && now UT2 is gonna start next week! omg..
parts and parcels of life..face the challenges uh hahas
UT1, one word = screwed zzz

Hope UT2 will be better, as in easier haha & yes work hard for it!!
no moderation..so..gonna revise starting from now, haha :D

JIA YOU! overcoming all the challenges, i can de (((:

Lingz =>_<=

writtern @6/30/2010

in school o.o
Thursday, June 24, 2010

heys people!
so long never post le so decided to post while faci nags (Y)

Life has been good & im always trying to be happy.
Thanks for those who made me smile & especially laugh (:
Thanks family & bffs for showing care & concern, really appreciated <3

i love being happy, well who doesn't? haha, erm well but nowadays seldom laugh, erm but i know i laugh alot occasionally, but it isn't enough, i want it to be everyday happy happy happy de.

The class is SO...boring, i felt that not enough mixing && sometimes there is still this strangers feeling which makes it damn awkward...

Bitches are everywhere & they really make the day worst -.-"
If u DON'T KNOW, then u LEARN, and not "i-don't-know, i don't want to do this or that"
shyt-man-i-tell-u..gimme that bloody slide & took my slide saying that you know and yet in the end, you want me to teach & explain to you?!
and yea, see me yet pretend never see..well..i will do the same :]

ah forget about it, let's say good things now :D
I LOVE MUM, thanks for those accessories, i really love it <3
Thanks Grace for the belated gifts, it's really appreciated <3
Thanks TV for entertaining me Always..haha T
hanks Adrian for giving me things in Maple..hehe <3

Coming to maple, hmm..really enjoyed those time chionging haha && evan skills really better than mage && like pro in MC 2 ((:

be happy girl be happy person be happy lalala~

Lingz =>_<=

writtern @6/24/2010